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Part9 CONGENITAL AND DEVELOPMENTALDISORDERS > Chapter 29 Congenital Anomalies of the Lower Extremity

著者:Derek M. Kelly
This chapter describes congenital anomalies of the foot and lower extremity. Congenital anomalies of the hip and pelvis are described inChapter 30, and congenital anomalies of the trunk and upper extremities are described inChapter 31. Congenital anomalies of the spine are discussed in Chapters 43 and 44, and congenital anomalies of the hand are discussed inChapter 80. Many of the operative techniques described here are useful for other conditions and are found in the references in other chapters.

Anomalies of the Toes  
    The most common anomaly of the toes is polydactyly, the presence of supernumerary digits. Others are syndactyly (webbed toes), macrodactyly (enlarged toes), and congenital contracture or angulation. Any of these conditions may require surgery. When surgery is contemplated for anomalies of the toes, several factors must be considered, including cosmesis, pain, and difficulty in fitting shoes, but overall long-term function of the foot is the primary concern. A satisfactory clinical result should correct all of these problems.
