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S. Terry Canale, MD
It is with humble appreciation and admiration that we dedicate this edition of Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics to Dr. S. Terry Canale, who served as editor or co-editor of five editions. He took great pride in this position and worked tirelessly to continue to improve “The Book.” As noted by one of his co-editors, “Terry is probably the only person in the world who has read every word of multiple editions of Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics.” He considered Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics an opportunity for worldwide orthopaedic education and made it a priority to ensure that each edition provided valuable and up-to-date information. His commitment to and enthusiasm for this work will continue to influence and inspire every future edition.
Kay C. Daugherty
It is with equal appreciation and regard that we dedicate this edition to Kay C. Daugherty, the managing editor of the last nine editions Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics. Over the last 40 years, she has faithfully and tirelessly edited, reshaped, and overseen all aspects of publication from manuscript preparation to proofing. She has a profound talent to put ideas and disjointed words into comprehensible text, ensuring that each revision maintains the gold standard in readability. Each edition is a testament to her dedication to excellence in writing and education. A favorite quote of Mrs. Daugherty to one of our late authors was, “I’ll make a deal. I won’t operate if you won’t punctuate.” We are grateful for her many years of continual service to the Campbell Foundation and for the publications yet to come.