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When Dr. Willis Campbell published the first edition of Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics in 1939, he could not have envisioned that over 80 years later it would have evolved into a four-volume text and earned the accolade of the “bible of orthopaedics” as a mainstay in orthopaedic practices and educational institutions all over the world. This expansion from some 400 pages in the first edition to over 4,500 pages in this 14th edition has not changed Dr. Campbell’s original intent: “to present to the student, the general practitioner, and the surgeon the subject of orthopaedic surgery in a simple and comprehensive manner.” In each edition since the first, authors and editors have worked diligently to fulfill these objectives. This would have not been possible without the hard work of our contributors who always strive to present the most up-to-date information while retaining “tried and true” techniques and tips. The scope of this text continues to expand in the hope that the information will be relevant to physicians no matter their location or resources.
As always, this edition also is the result of the collaboration of a group of “behind the scenes” individuals who are involved in the actual production process. The Campbell Foundation staff—Kay Daugherty, Linda Jones, and Tonya Priggel—contributed their considerable talents to editing often confusing and complex author contributions, searching the literature for obscure references, and, in general, “herding the cats.” Special thanks to Kay and Linda who have worked on multiple editions of Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics (nine editions for Kay and six for Linda). They probably know more about orthopaedics than most of us, and they certainly know how to make it more understandable. Thanks, too, to the Elsevier personnel who provided guidance and assistance throughout the publication process: John Casey, Senior Project Manager; Jennifer Ehlers, Senior Content Development Specialist; and Belinda Kuhn, Senior Content Strategist.
We are especially appreciative of our spouses, Julie Azar and Terry Beaty, and our families for their patience and support as we worked through this project.
The preparation and publication of this 14th edition was fraught with difficulties because of the worldwide pandemic and social unrest, but our contributors and other personnel worked tirelessly, often in creative and innovative ways, to bring it to fruition. It is our hope that these efforts have provided a text that is informative and valuable to all orthopaedists as they continue to refine and improve methods that will ensure the best outcomes for their patients.
Frederick M. Azar, MD
James H. Beaty, MD