A, Schematic drawing of medial ankle and foot showing extraosseous arterial supply to talus: 1, anterior tibial artery; 2, medial recurrent tarsal artery; 3, medial talar artery; 4, posterior tibial artery; 5, posterior tubercle artery; 6, deltoid branches; 7, artery of tarsal canal; 8, medial plantar artery; 9, lateral plantar artery. B, Schematic drawing of lateral ankle and foot with extraosseous arterial supply to talus: 1, anterior tibial artery; 2, lateral talar artery; 3, lateral tarsal artery; 4, posterior recurrent branch of lateral tarsal; 5, artery of tarsal sinus; 6, perforating peroneal; 7, anterior lateral malleolar artery.