Johnson and Spiegl arthrodesis technique for correction of hallux varus. A-C, L-shaped skin incision, release of extensor hallucis longus, and preparation of joint for arthrodesis. D-F, Apposition of surfaces to confirm good bony apposition and retrograde drilling with 2-mm bit. G, Antegrade drilling of proximal phalanx. H, Insertion of 4-mm cancellous screw. I, Compression of arthrodesis site as lag effect is created. J, Closure. K-M, Radiographs of interphalangeal joint arthrodesis of great toe. (A-J redrawn from Shives TC, Johnson KA: Arthrodesis of the interphalangeal joint of the great toe: an improved technique, Foot Ankle 1:26, 1980.) SEE TECHNIQUE 82.30.