Williams and Haddad technique for releasing flexor-pronator origin. A, Incision. B, Structures anteriorly and medially at elbow have been exposed (see text). C, Lacertus fibrosus has been divided, origin of superficial flexors has been released from medial epicondyle, and origin of flexor digitorum sublimis has been released from radius (see text). D, Origin of flexor carpi ulnaris has been released from olecranon, and common origin of flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum profundus has been released from ulna (see text). E, Origin of flexor digitorum profundus has been released from volar aspect of ulna and interosseous membrane (see text). F, Origin of flexor digitorum profundus to index finger has been released from radius, and remaining origin of flexor digitorum sublimis has been released from coronoid process (see text). G, Ulnar nerve has been transplanted anteriorly into brachialis muscle (see text). SEE TECHNIQUE 72.5.