Juncturae tendinum. A, Type 1 (thin filamentous type) between extensor digitorum communis (EDC) tendons of long (EDC m) and index (EDC i) fingers; juncturae did not connect to extensor indicis proprius (EIP) tendon. Numbers on right indicate incidence of type 1 juncturae in second and third intermetacarpal spaces. There were no type 1 juncturae present in any other spaces. B, Type 2 (thicker) juncturae between EDC tendons of ring (EDC r) and (EDC m) fingers. Incidences of type 2 juncturae in third and fourth intermetacarpal spaces are shown on right; they were not present in any other spaces. C, Type 3 (subtype y), in which Y-shaped tendon and juncturae appear as split tendon inserting into two adjacent digits, between EDC r and EDC m fingers. Incidences of type 3y juncturae in third and fourth intermetacarpal spaces are shown on right; they were not present in any other spaces. D, Type 3 (subtype r), more oblique R-shaped juncturae between EDC to EDC r and most radial of three extensor digitorum quinti (EDQ) tendons to small finger. Most frequent orientation and incidences of type 3r juncturae in third and fourth intermetacarpal spaces are shown on right; they were not present in any other spaces.