A, Eleven cross sections of leg, arranged into five groups corresponding to areas most commonly used for external fixation: D1 to D3, proximal epiphysis and metaphysis; D4 and D5, proximal diaphysis; D6 and D7, middle diaphysis; D8 and D9, distal diaphysis; D10 and D11, distal metaphysis and epiphysis. B, Cross-sectional anatomy of leg: 1, tibia; 2, tibial tuberosity; 3, fibular neck; 4, tibial collateral ligament of knee, semitendinosus, and gracilis; 5, sartorius; 6, popliteus; 7, anterior tibial; 8, extensor digitorum longus; 9, peroneus longus; 10, soleus; 11, lateral head of gastrocnemius; 12, medial head of gastrocnemius; 13, anterior tibial vessels (branches); 14, posterior tibial vessels; 15, short saphenous vein; 16, long saphenous vein; 17, common peroneal nerve; 18, tibial nerve.