Loop ‘n’ tack tenodesis, as described by Duerr et al. Left shoulder in lateral decubitus position with a 30-degree arthroscope from the posterior portal (same orientation and position for all figures). A (left image). End of a looped suture is passed around biceps tendon (BT) from superior labrum to BT. Right image, suture is then pulled from inferior to BT to complete passage around it (G, glenoid; H, humerus). B, Free end of suture has been passed through looped end and is cinched to BT close to its insertion at superior labrum. C, Free end of suture is passed into the joint with excess slack. D, Tissue penetrator can be passed through the BT in a more distal position to secure the tendon without distalizing it. (From Duerr RA, Nye D, Paci JM, et al. Clinical evaluation of an arthroscopic knotless suprapectoral biceps tenodesis technique: loop ‘n’ tack tenodesis. Orthop J Sports Med 6:2325967118779786, 2018.) SEE TECHNIQUE 52.9.