Tibial attachment of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) for double-bundle reconstruction. A, Guide pin is drilled, entering anteromedial aspect of tibia approximately 6 cm distal to joint line and exiting at center of the PCL tibial attachment along PCL bundle ridge. Positioning of guide pin should be assessed with fluoroscopy (7 mm anterior to the posterior cortex on lateral view and medial to lateral eminence on anteroposterior view.) B, Arthroscopically, pin should exit at center of bundle ridge, posterior to shiny white fibers and medial to lateral cartilage point. C, A 12-mm acorn reamer is used to overream tibial guide pin under direct posterior arthroscopic observation. CGD, champagne glass drop-off; LM, lateral meniscus; MM, medial meniscus. SEE TECHNIQUE 51.26.