Montgomery and Jobe technique. A, Capsular incision made at center (3-o’clock position) of glenoid. Incision is extended medially over neck of glenoid. Stay suture is placed in capsule to mark glenoid attachment site. B, Suture anchor drill holes are started in scapular neck adjacent to glenoid articular surface and directed medially away from joint surface. For exposure of neck, sharp Hohmann retractor is placed along superior and inferior neck for capsular retraction (not pictured). C, Suture anchors are placed in each prepared drill hole. Sutures are pulled to set anchor. Each individual suture is pulled to ensure suture slides in anchor. D, Approximation of capsule to freshened neck. Two or three suture anchors are used to secure inferior capsule firmly to scapular neck. An Allis clamp is used by assistant to advance capsule superiorly against neck while sutures are placed. E, Superior and middle suture anchors are used to secure and advance superior flap in inferior direction. F, Final imbrication of capsule is done with interrupted nonabsorbable sutures. Extremity is maintained in 45 degrees abduction and 45 degrees external rotation during closure to prevent overconstraint. Technical note: Suture anchors should be at edge of glenoid articular surface and aimed medially 20 degrees. SEE TECHNIQUE 47.5.