A, 30-degree Ganz osteotome. B, Ischial osteotomy is performed through interval between psoas tendon and hip capsule with 30-degree osteotome. C, Osteotomy of pubis is performed just medial to iliopectineal eminence and radiographic teardrop. D, Initial iliac osteotomy is made with oscillating saw aiming toward top of sciatic notch. E, Posterior column osteotomy proceeds from tip of iliac osteotomy through pelvic brim then through medial cortex of quadrilateral plate. F, 30-degree Ganz osteotome is used carefully to complete posterior column osteotomy from medial to lateral under fluoroscopic control and to connect posterior column osteotomy to ischial osteotomy. G, Fixation of osteotomy can be solely through screws through iliac wing into rotated fragment or include a “home run” screw that goes from anteroinferior iliac spine directed into sciatic buttress. SEE TECHNIQUE 6.4.